Have you ever gone on a strike? The French people seem experts on paralysing a country. As a matter of fact I am sure that you are very well aware of how many and many strikes are taking place lately in France. I have lost the track of the number of days the Unions have called for them. These protests are due to the new retirement plan of Emanuel Macron, the President of France, that raises the age of it to 64 years. Notwithstanding, regardless of whether you agree with that or not, is it fair to make the whole country stop for so long?
It goes without saying that as workers we have the right to go on strike, and, because of that, we should understand that, in order to fulfil it, some services might be affected, thus, our lives might be disturbed somehow, however annoying may it be. For instance, it is obvious that should pilots, flight attendants or air controller wish to go on strike, flights might be cancelled, being our trips interrupted. Nevertheless, from my point of view, there are other actions that recently are being inflicted that are far from fair. Any guess?
To begin with, whenever you decide to go to work and the strikers are impeding you from fulfilling your other right that you have as civilian, that is to work. That is being selfish. Do you want another example? How about when in a car or truck demonstration, the strikers move along the protest in a specific way so that the rest of the cars are not able to get through?If you ask me, not everyone has to agree with you, and, sometimes, even if they do, we must not forget that there are people who can not afford going on strike since they need the little money they earn to feed their family. Therefore, before continuing with your stubborn fight against the government, remember that not everyone can keep it up with you. At the end of the day an endless strike is expensive and, let´s face it, not possible. How will this French dispute end up?
¿Alguna vez has ido a la huelga? Los frances parecen expertos en paralizar un país. De hecho, seguramente todos seáis conscientes de la cantidad de huelgas que están teniendo lugar en Francia ultimamente. Y es que yo ya he perdido la cuenta. Estas protestas se organizan debido al nuevo plan de jubilización de Emanuel Macron, el presidente de Francia, que la retrasa hasta los 64 años. No obstante, indepedientemente de si estás de acuerdo o no, ¿es justo parar un país entero durante tanto tiempo?
Ni qué decir tiene que como trabajadores tenemos derecho a ir a la huelga, y por ello, debemos entender que, para que éste se cumpla, algunos servicios pueden verse afectados, y por tanto nuestra vida puede verse interrumpida, aunque nos moleste. Por ejemplo, es obvio que si pilotos, azafatos o controladores aéreos quieren hacer huelga, nuestros vuelos quizás se cancelen. En cambio, hay otras acciones que se están llevando a cabo que no están muy justificadas. ¿Adivinas cuáles?
En mi opinión, no todo el mundo tiene que estar de acuerdo contigo, y a veces, aunque lo estén, no hay que olvidar que hay personas que no pueden permitirse ir a la huelga porque necesitan el poco dinero que ganan para alimentar a su familia. Entonces, antes de continuar con tu cabezona lucha contra el gobierno, recuerda que no todos te pueden seguir el ritmo. Al fin y al cabo una eterna huelga es cara, e imposible. ¿Cómo acabará Francia?
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