Do you have any friends or family members that are teaching in a public school? If so, do you know how many hours of classes do they have per week?, do you know know many paid holidays do they have per year? Currently I am working as a teacher in a private institution, in an academy, and I know that being a teacher is not a piece of cake, at all, however, do you know how different the working conditions that they have are compare to the conditions that I have? No wonder why so many people decide to study for the horrible public exams.
To begin with, I have several friends that are teaching as civil servants. I am completely sure that they do their best and that they work utterly hard so as to be the best teachers of the world. Nevertheless, when they express how tired they are at the end of the week and how much free time do they have in their afternoon, it gets up on my nerves. And, to be clear, that is not their fault, the system is to blame.Basically they have on average 15 hours per week of classes and the earn around 2, 000 euros per month, which is almost the double of my salary even if I have 40 hours of classes per week. On top of that, as per holidays, mines are not paid, let alone the Spanish puentes that they do enjoy. In addition, not only do they have much fewer classes than me, but also they have breaks, paid breaks, which I do not.
Thus, at the end of the end, I spend the whole day teaching for an entry level salary when they have quite a lot of free time and many paid days off. In contrast, they would say that their classes are quite intense, well, mines can be rather tough as well. The point is that it is not fair to have such differences on the working conditions between the public sector and the private one, don´t you think?------------------------------------------------------
¿Tienes algún amigo o familiar que sea profesor en un colegio público? Si es así, ¿sabes cuántas horas de clases tienen por semana?, ¿sabes cuántos días de vacaciones pagadas tienen? Actualmente trabajo como profesora en una insitución privada, en una academia, y sé que no es nada fácil ser profesor, sin embargo, ¿sabías qué diferentes son mis condiciones labores de las suyas? Ahora entiendo por qué tanta gente se decanta por las dichosas oposiciones.
Para empezar, tengo varios amigos trabajando como profesores en la educación pública. Estoy completamente segura de que sacan lo mejor de ellos mismos y que trabajan muy duro para ser los mejores profes. No obstante, cuando se quejan de lo cansados que están cuando termina la semana y comentan lo libres que están por las tardes, me enfurezco un poco, y vamos a ser claros, no es su culpa, es del sistema.Básicamente tienen una media de 15 horas de clases a la semana y ganan como 2000 euros al mes, el doble de mi salario incluso si hago 40 horas de clases a la semana. Encima, en cuanto a las vacaciones, las mías no son pagadas, y menos aún los puentes que ellos sí disfrutan. Además, no solo tienen muchas menos clases que yo sino que también tienen descansos pagados, cosa que yo no.
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