Have you had many good surprises on any of your birthdays? The other day was my 33rd Birthday and I found my self remembering all the surprises that I have ever had. Which ones have been the best ones?
To begin with, when I was fifteen I received a particular present that I felt absolutely excited with. In order to understand my excitement I have to put that into context. More specifically, in 2004, John Aloisi, to whom I was utterly devoted to, used to play in Osasuna, the local football team of Pamplona. Having said that, my closest friend of that time took advantage of a public appearance of Aloisi and asked him to write down on a paper Happy Birthday with his signature. I still have that lovely gift.In addition, on my fifteen birthday, not only did I have that surprise but also my brothers prepared to me a power point with images of my growing up. It was quite moving and special I must say. A present that I saw thousands of times and that will be always in my heart.
Afterwards, once I become and adult I still had some good ones. For example, on my thirtieth birthday I happened to have two. The first one was in the office, back in the Hilton, in London. All of a sudden a work colleague from another department opened my office and, with a candle started singing happy birthday to me, I was totally taken aback since I didn’t see that coming. On top of that, a week later, when I celebrated my change of decade in Pamplona, my partner prepared a beautiful surprise: we were meant to have dinner with our friends and apart from decorating everything, when I arrived everybody was waiting for me wishing me a happy birthday.
All in all every year there is always someone who surprises who with a small detail, however the most important thing is to celebrate it with the ones that care about you the whole year, your family and your best friends. Thank you all!-------------------------------------------------------
¿Has tenido muchas sorpresas en tus cumpleaños? El otro día cumplí 33 añicos y estuve pensando en todas las sorpresas que he tenido. ¿Cuáles han sido las mejores?
Además, en mi quince cumpleaños tuve otra espectacular sorpresa. Y es que mis hermanos me hicieron un power point con imágenes mías creciendo. Fue muy bonito y especial. Un regalo que ví mil veces y que siempre estará en mi corazón.
Más adelante, ya adulta, aún he tenido algunas sorpresas. Por ejemplo, cuando cumplí los 30 tuve dos. Para empezar, en la oficina del Double Tree West End Hilton, en Londres, de repente una compañera de otro departamento abrió la puerta de mi oficina y con una vela me cantó el feliz cumpleaños. Me dejó boquiabierta ya que no me lo esperaba. Por otro lado, cuando una semana más tarde celebré mi cambio de década en Pamplona, mi pareja me preparó una bonita sorpresa. Como teníamos cena con nuestros amigos, decoró todo el restaurante y al entrar yo al comedor estaba todo el mundo esperándome deseandome un feliz cumpleaños.
Con todo, siempre hay alguien que te sorprende con algún detallito, sin embargo lo más importante es celebrarlo con los que de verdad cuidan de tí todo el año, la familia y los amigos. ¡Gracias a todos!
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