Do you have the feeling that the music that youngsters listening to nowadays is awful and hollow? Regrettably, we have to come into terms with the fact that in this day and age, what young people like is to dance reggeaton. Do we have to get worried with these tendencies? One of the reasons why some concerns raise is their horrendous somewhat sexist lyrics. What do you reckon?
To be honest with you, when I was a teenager the music that we used to listen to was rock. Rock that sometimes was full of controversial lyrics that were somehow related to politics. As a matter of fact national rock is part of the musical culture of this country, although I believe this culture is dying with us since not many twenty somethings are familiar with the rock of the 90s. In other words, they are able to know by heart all the reggeaton songs of the world, however, should a bar play Barricada and more often than not they will not have a clue about who the singer is. What a shame.On another hand, whenever we take into account this commercial music, we tend to highlight the low quality of its lyrics and we usually complain about how unethical they sound. In light of this view it is thought that we are not educating the future generations properly. Notwithstanding I am off the opinion that they do not pay too much attention to them.
On balance, as years fly, each new generation develops an unique liking for music and clothing that might seem illogical or incomprehensible for the rest. Nevertheless, we have to remember that our preferences when we were young were rather different than the ones that we end up having, don´t you agree? Maybe we just have to be a little bit more patient.------------------------------------------------------------------------
¿Tienes la sensación de que la música que escuchan los jóvenes hoy en día es horrible y superficial? Lamentáblemente tenemos que aceptar el hecho de que hoy en día lo que los chavales quieren es bailar reggeatón. ¿Debemos preocuparnos por estas tendencias? Una de las razones por las cuales surgen preocupaciones es por sus horrendas y algo sexistas letras. ¿Qué opinas?
Por otro lado, cuando tenemos en cuenta este tipo de música comercial, tendemos a subrayar la baja cualidad de sus letras, quejándonos habitualmente de lo poco éticas que suenan. Dicho esto, se suele pensar que no estamos educando bien a las futuras generaciones. Sin embargo, en mi opinión, no creo que les presten mucha atención.
Para concluir, conforme los años pasan, cada generación desarrolla un gusto único por la música y la ropa que suele parecer ilógico e incomprensible para el resto. En cambio, tenemos que recordar que nuestras preferencias cuando éramos jóvenes eran muy distintas a las que acabamos teniendo, ¿no crees? Quizás debamos tener un poquito más de paciencia.
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