During the last two years we all have thought that many new routines and measures that were introduced owing to the pandemic were going to remain in place forever, such as the implement of the hydro-sanitiser gel and the possibility of working from home. Regrettably, it turns out that the latter is off the table for most of the Spanish companies. Why?
Frankly speaking I believed that if we have learnt something from being in lockdown for around two years is that loads of employees are equally productive working from home, an option that allows the workforce to conciliate its job with its family time and, also, quite important, to save money and time. This is not to say that offices should be closed, not at all. As a matter of fact, I am of the opinion that the ideal thing would be to offer an hybrid system in which workers could decide which day or which two days do they want to work at home, having to go to the office the remaining week. Nevertheless, I happened to realise that many CEOs are rather reluctant to this option. Why?To be more specific, I have witnessed a case in which having the employee been testing positive for Covid-19, he has had to fight so as to be allowed to work from home out of precaution, when he has spent the last two years working like that without his efficiency being affected. In addition, I know of a job seeker who in every single job interview that he has had is being made clear that teleworking is not possible, even though he would have to commute every day for at least one hour. Why do Spanish employers have this culture? Don’t they realise that with this stubbornness the only thing that they achieve is to demotivate their employees?
On balance, it seems to me that managers are not only wrong on this approach but also that in the long term almost every single one of its team members would end up burned out due to the fact that what really matters is to go to the office instead of working motivated, hence efficiently. The worst aspect of this is that we are creating a country where the white collars are miserable in their offices, stuck in a job that doesn’t fulfil their needs. Do we want that?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Durante los últimos dos años todo el mundo ha tendido a pensar que las nuevas rutinas y medidas que fueron introducidas en la pandemia iban a quedarse para siempre, como la implantación del gel anti bacterias y la posibilidad de trabajar desde casa. Lamentáblemente al parecer esto último ha quedado descartado por la mayoría de la compañías españolas, ¿por qué?
Para ser más específicos, he sido testigo de un caso en el que siendo un empleado positivo por Covid-19, ha tenido que pelear duro para que sus jefes le dejasen trabajar desde casa por precaución, cuando se ha pegado dos años trabajando de esta forma sin que su eficiencia se viese afectada. Además, también sé de una persona que en cada entrevista de trabajo que tiene la empresa le deja bien claro que el trabajo desde casa no es posible, incluso aunque eso le conlleve más de dos horas diarias de viaje. ¿Por qué las compañías españoles tienen esa cultura?, ¿no se dan cuenta de que con esa cabezonería lo único que consiguen es desmotivar a los empleados?
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