domingo, 25 de agosto de 2024

Matthew Perry, beyond ´Friends´/ Matthew Perry, más allá de ´Friends´

This week marked the birthday of someone dearly loved by many, but who, unfortunately, is no longer with us. Can you guess who? Had he been alive, he would have turned 55 years old. Yes, I am talking about the popular Matthew Perry, one of the stars of the series Friends. Sadly, besides his birthday, he has recently been in the news since his assistant has confessed to being responsible for his death. Remember, he was found dead last year from an apparent overdose. But what really happened to him?

I have been reading the book he requested to be published if he passed away, and in it, you can find some very disturbing episodes from his life. The truth is, he was an addict. He became addicted remarkably easily to alcohol and any medication a doctor might prescribe him. In fact, that’s why no one was particularly surprised to hear about his death. Nevertheless, addicts usually become addicts for a reason, so what was his?

Well, it seems he didn’t have a good childhood, as his mother was quite young and very busy with her job, and he had the same issue with his father. However, he actually acknowledges that he has always been extremely needy and spent his entire life mulling over the idea that he wasn’t enough, which wasn’t true.

Having said that, I suppose the Friends fans are already going nuts over the uncanny resemblance between the personality of his character in Friends, Chandler, and his real personality, which he admitted openly. To be fair, he wasn’t an easy person to deal with due to his lack of self-control and his worrying obsession with hurting himself in some way. Notwithstanding, that doesn’t mean he didn’t deserve to be loved and happy. It is rather regrettable that some people close to him failed him, contributing to his death. Indeed, a very, very sad ending.

All in all, reading his book, you come to realise that sometimes having it all doesn’t bring happiness, and more often than not, we are the ones who punish ourselves for no reason. Happy birthday, Matty!


Esta semana ha sido el cumpleaños de alguien muy querido por muchos, pero que, desafortunadamente, ya no está con nosotros. ¿Adivinas quién? Si estuviera vivo, habría cumplido 55 años. Sí, estoy hablando del popular Matthew Perry, una de las estrellas de la serie Friends. Pero, más allá de su cumpleaños, lamentablemente, ha salido recientemente en las noticias porque su asistente ha confesado ser responsable de su muerte. Recuerda que fue encontrado muerto el año pasado debido a una aparente sobredosis. ¿Qué hay detrás de su muerte?

He estado leyendo el libro que pidió que se publicara si fallecía, y en él se encuentran algunos episodios muy perturbadores de su vida. La verdad es que era adicto. Se enganchaba increíblemente fácil al alcohol y a cualquier medicación que un médico le pudiera recetar. De hecho, por eso nadie se sorprendió demasiado al escuchar la noticia sobre su incidente. Sin embargo, los adictos suelen serlo por una razón, así que, ¿cuál era la suya?

Pues bien, parece que no tuvo una buena infancia, ya que su madre era bastante joven y estaba muy ocupada con su trabajo, y lo mismo sucedía con su padre. No obstante, él mismo reconoce que siempre ha necesitado mucha atención  y pasó toda su vida creyendo que  no era suficiente, lo cual no era cierto.

Dicho esto, supongo que los fans de Friends ya estarán volviéndose locos con la asombrosa semejanza entre la personalidad de su personaje en Friends, Chandler, y su verdadera personalidad, algo que él admitió abiertamente. Para ser justos, no era una persona fácil de tratar debido a su falta de autocontrol y a su preocupante obsesión por sentir algo. Eso sí, eso no significa que no mereciera ser querido y ser feliz. Es bastante lamentable que algunas personas cercanas a él le fallaran, contribuyendo a su muerte. En fin, un final muy, muy triste.

En resumen, al leer su libro, te das cuenta de que a veces tenerlo todo no te da la felicidad, y más a menudo de lo que creemos, somos nosotros mismos los que nos castigamos sin razón alguna. ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Matty!

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