The Russian invasion of Ukraine is being a shock for all of us. In fact, it goes without saying that no political idea justifies the atrocity of bombarding and destroying neighbourhoods, let alone, killing people, civilians or soldiers. What is more, every single war is a tragedy, no matter where it takes place, and that is something that war journalists are very aware of, and still, they have the courage to risk their lives covering them. Recently, two journalists been killed in Ukraine whilst they were doing his job, which has left the world of Journalism feeling naked and vulnerable.
I remember that when I started studying Journalism at the university every single one of my classmates was extremely exited to have the opportunity to become journalists, hoping to make a living out of such a beautiful profession, bringing information, the truth, to the world. However, back then, in our early twenties, we were so naïve that nobody was considering to cover any war. My point is that, at large, it is so difficult to have a professional career as a journalist that wanting to be one is vocational. Notwithstanding, even more vocational is to be willing to go far away, far from everything, to cover a war putting your life in danger.Having say that, some weeks ago I realised that one of the most popular morning voices of the BBC Radio has gone to Ukraine to do what he does best: to show the reality as it is. In his case he stated that journalists are protected and that they have privileged information regarding possible attacks, nevertheless it has been more than proven that unexpected shoots or bombs are possible. Something that Brent Renaud and Pierre Zakrzewski have sadly experienced.
To sum up, I would like to thank all the journalists who have the courage to leave everything and run mortal risks in order to do justice and show us the cruel reality behind each war. It is incredible how unselfish are these magnificent professionals. We could not be more proud of them!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
La invasión rusa de Ucrania está siendo un shock para todos. Creo que todos estaremos de acuerdo con el hecho de que ninguna idea política justifica ninguna atrocidad, ningún bombardeo que destroce barrios enteros, y menos la matanza de ciudadanos. Lo que es más, todo conflicto armado es una tragedia, independientemente del lugar en el que suceda, algo de lo cual son muy conscientes los periodistas de guerra que arriesgan su vida por cubrirlas. Y es que recientemente, un corresponsal americano ha muerto en Ucrania tras recibir varios disparos cuando estaba realizando su trabajo, lo que ha dejado al mundo del Periodismo desnudo y vulnerable.
Recuerdo que cuando empecé a estudiar Periodismo en la universidad cada uno de mis compañeros de clase estaba extremadamente ilusionado por tener la oportunidad de convertirse en periodistas, soñando con poder dedicarse a esta preciosa profesión, transmitiendo información, la verdad, al mundo. Sin embargo, años atrás, en nuestra veintena, éramos tan ingenuos que a casi nadie se le pasaba por la cabeza cubrir guerras. Lo que quiero decir es que es tan complicado llevar una carrera profesional como periodista que querer ser uno es vocacional, con lo cual, imagínate qué vocacional es estar dispuesto a dejar todo y arriesgar tu vida por transmitir una tragedia humana.
Para finalizar, me gustaría dar las gracias a todos los periodistas que tienen el valor de dejar todo atrás y arriesgar sus vidas por hacer justicia, por mostrarnos la cruda realidad de las guerras. Es increíble la generosidad de estos magníficos profesionales. No podíamos estar más orgullosos de ellos.
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